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the worst!

Rédigé par sandangel, le 14-05-2014
Hébergé par Scaleway Dedibox sandangel.fr

Avis client Scaleway Dedibox

I subscribed with their shared hosting package.

During the first 2 weeks my site went down twice I reported the incident the first time but their support took 3-4 days to respond then they said all is going well and ignored the event!

After a few days it went down again I report the event at once and the support (as usual) took all their time to reply to me (8 days) and said we are working on the issue.

I had it with them so I asked for a refund as their service is not of a good quality and their support sucks and that’s when they said ‘we don’t offer refunds’!! althought it was during the first 30 days!

Such a fraud and a scam really online.net have the worst support and their refund policy is pure theft.

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Code Promo the worst!