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Best customer service expierence!!!

Rédigé par Deidra Morrow, le 26-02-2013
Hébergé par InMotion Hosting kingdomvarsity.com

Avis client InMotion Hosting

I needed help with my e-Store & my husband suggested I get on the Live Chat with your customer service team. I said no at first thinking that it would take all day to get a response..but I was pleasantly surprised!!! As soon as I clicked the ‘Live Chat’ button Brian C. popped up on my screen asking what he could do for me :- ) He addressed me so quickly that I thought it may have been some type of automated system. I took my time to ask my question because I was sure that Brian C. was some type of computer software. (Lol) I sent my message & his next responce answered my question!!! He wished me a Happy New Year & let me know that they were always there 🙂 Thank you soooo much!!!

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