I have been using many different companies since I designed my first web site in 1997 and the least I know is that you have to master everything you intend to use if you want to avoid most trouble.After a long experience of dreadful fails in domain names, share hosting and other cheap – often unreliable – service, I tried 1&1 in 2004 and decided to go for a dedicated server.The first 2 or 3 years were not easy because they experienced several failures and their customer service did not really help… and also because I had no clue on how to set up and manage a server.I then did my share: download manuals and learn everything I needed to know.For the last 5 years, I had no trouble whatsoever with 1&1 dedicated servers. Reliable machines, proper bandwidth and very efficient technicians who solved 100% of my problems.Their domain management is by far the most user-friendly I have been experiencing so far.I guess bad reviews come from share hosted and WYSIWYG software users.
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