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1 & 1: Il ne rompt jamais donc je n’ai pas de fixer

Rédigé par SeanFromSanford, le 24-06-2011
Hébergé par IONOS nomdedomaine.fr

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1 & 1 has been so easy and trouble free for me I have not yet (two years) had to contact customer support, good thing based on other comments.Makes me wonder: if the site is the least expensive and has never failed me why would I need extensive tech support? If they run a good hosting site I should never have to use tech support, and I have not yet had any reason to. If you buy a product that doesn’t break you do not have to fix it.Dashboard is easy and user friendly. I designed my site, as an amateur, myself. In conclusion: for small company without heavy support needs, 1 & 1 has been a wonderful experience for me. For you big guys- you get what you pay for- your needs seem to be above 1&1’s niche. My college web design professor rec. 1 & 1 and I’m glad he did.

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Code Promo 1 & 1: Il ne rompt jamais donc je n’ai pas de fixer