I only have 100 words but to keep it short, I am moving all 70 plus domains and canceling my server with them. I went delinquent because of a stolen card and I forgot to update the card on the account. They sent me to collections over $16. I only found out because a client got locked out of their domain. I paid immediately and spent tons of time with them and collections. They charged my card to another persons debt and a 5 days later my accounts are still locked. I finally got a manager today helping me but by the time I sorted out the mess with collection, they were closed in NYC and neither the collection agency or 1&1 had told me they were leaving for the day. No one cared our tried very hard to help even though I explained the situation and that a client was supposed to go live with their site. Dissappointing, frustrating, and an unforgettable lesson in exactly what customer service should NEVER be.
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